"What does the man mean?"
Rock samphire
Why do we speak? According to experts it is to exchange information about ourselves, each other and the world in which we live. For evolutionary psychologist Stephen Pinker, language evolved out of a need to teach new techniques that would enhance the survival of the social group.
For language researcher Robin Dunbar, it is because humans are social animals. Relationships between humans are extremely complex. We live in hierarchical groups and we jostle for access to mates and resources.
Communication in amongst humans is predominantly discussions on the actions and motives of others, how they are manoeuvering up or falling from the social ladder, and how this could affect us. In other words the predominant purpose of language is gossip.
Gossip often involves interpreting the unstated. This ranges from facial expressions, such as determining whether a smile is real or fake, to detecting what can be implied or inferred from actions or the actual words used. We could call this 'reading between the lines'. For language learners, mastering this is one of the steps towards becoming bilingual.
The unspoken language is also the stuff of intrigue and found in all forms of fiction. In this section, you will be exposed to a variety of material and your task will be to see how well you can interpret it. We will begin with a short story followed by two contemporary plays.
The Short Story
Short stories are reduced novels. They can be read easily in one sitting, but they have been carefully crafted by the writer to be compact, intense and tend to be, if it is a good one, unforgettable. Given the restrictions on space the author must build in a maximum number of interpretations or layers of meaning. *
The short story we are going to study is Samphire by the Irish writer Patrick O'Brian (1914-2000). It is set in the coastal region of England, possibly around Dover. The main characters are a married couple, and the story relates a particular event that occurred while they were on holiday. Written in 1954, it has all the hallmarks of a Hitchcock psychological thriller.
It is likely that this text contains new vocabulary and expressions for you. The best strategy is to read through the story once, ignoring things you do not understand. Afterwards try to answer the questions just based on what you have gleaned from your initial reading. Following this, go through the text in more detail with the questions as a guide, and try to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions from their context. For confirmation of your deductions use a good learners' dictionary. This short story is a mine of everyday vocabulary and expressions, so make the most of it!
Some vocabulary and expressions from Samphire by Patrick O'Brian
Line 7: They were two = there were two of them
Line 9: The break = (noun) interruption in continuity; the edge of the cliff
Line 11: a clump = small group of plants growing together
Line 33: pickles = vegetable preserved in vinegar and salt
Line 34: to writhe = to twist and turn ones body violently from pain or discomfort
Line 46: "as bold as brass" = (idiom) to be brave
Line 53: "a lazy puss" = someone who is lazy. Puss = cat
Line 59: to fondle = to touch or stroke someone in a gentle and usually sexual way.
Line 73: hortus siccus = Latin for ‘dry garden’; that is, a herbarium or a collection of dried plants
Line 130: with aplomb = (noun) with confidence
Line 131: steeplejack = (noun) someone who builds smokestacks or steeples
For more vocabulary with French translation and exercises click on the link below:
Samphire Worksheet
Samphire text
Multiple Choice Questions
Read the short story to one another in small groups and then answer the questions. Note that sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. From lines 34 -35 what can be assumed about how the woman feels about her husband?
A) She is in love with him but is inhibited.
B) She is revolted by him but tries to disguise it.
C) He makes her nervous.
D) Nothing, she is just afraid of heights
2. From lines 1- 64 what can be inferred about the character of Lacey?
A) He is a very weak and effeminate man who bullies his wife.
B) He is a very strong person who is trying to help his wife overcome her fear of heights.
C) He is very weak and dominated by his wife.
D) He is very insecure and is seeking help from his wife.
3. What can be inferred about the couple’s financial situation?
A) They are on a strict budget.
B) They are not watching their money.
C) They are very poor.
D) They are wealthy.
4. From lines 65- 70 and elsewhere what is implied about the couple’s social class?
A) They are working class people.
B) They are middleclass and happy with that.
C) They are aristocrats that look down on the lower classes.
D) They are lower middleclass but want to move up.
5. What can be assumed about the way Molly feels about the stick Lacey bought?
A) She was pleased it got it so cheaply. .
B) She hates it because symbolizes his silliness, weakness and selfishness.
C) She thinks it’s a very useful object and is pleased for her husband.
D) She resents it because they will have to go without dinner to make up for the cost of it
6. In general how would you describe Lacey’s tone when talking to his wife?
A) suspicious
B) patronizing
C) condescending
D) sympathetic
7. What can we infer that the voice in Molly’s head is insisting she do? (Lines114-121)
A) To see beauty in him.
B) To divorce Lacey.
C) To love cliffs and plants.
D) To push Lacey over the cliff.
8. How do you think Molly feels about Lacey having no fear of heights? (Lines 127-131)
A) She admires it.
B) She is surprised by it but not impressed.
C) She thinks it makes up for his other failings.
D) She envies him.
9. What will Lacey probably do after Molly pushed him? (Lines 142-180)
A) Make believe it was just an accident.
B) Leave her.
C) Stay with her but live in fear of her.
D) Try to help her.
10. Why do you think Molly tried to push her husband off the cliff?
A) She feels trapped and there is no escape.
B) She hates his weakness.
C) She is in an abusive relationship.
D) She is mentally unstable.
Answers and Explanations
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